Self-care is for everyone. It doesn’t need to be overbearing. It's about developing a willingness to take moments for ourselves whether alone or in community. To stop and connect to our heartbeat. To consider addressing our own needs. When we figure out how to do this for ourselves, we can model that out in the world, in our workplaces, communities, and homes—moving away from an individualistic sense of self-care.

In this course, you’ll learn how to:

  • Reclaim the definition of self-care
  • Use your practice out in the world
  • Transform self-care into a passionate movement for everyone
  • Push against a culture that tries to keep us busy
  • Address your own needs so you can return to the world as a kinder, gentler version of yourself

This course includes:

  • 15+ video classes on four core topics:
  • What is Real Self-Care?
  • Naming the Obstacles to Self-Care
  • Recognizing Burnout
  • Building a Self-Care Community
  • Downloadable resources
  • A series of micro practices
Shelly Tygielski

Shelly Tygielski is the author of Sit Down to Rise Up, and the founder of the CNN-Heroes featured global, grassroots mutual aid organization, Pandemic of Love. She is a self-care activist, a trauma-informed mindfulness teacher and her work bringing mindfulness and equity to underserved and traumatized populations has been featured in over 100 media outlets. She contributes to a weekly feature in TIME magazine called “Evidence of Human Kindness” and speaks/teaches at organizations and corporations around the world. 

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?

The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

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