Mindful Yoga Foundations

Feel grounded, supported, and present.

Meditations and Guidance to Help You Feel More Grounded and Supported in Your Yoga Practice

Mindful Yoga Foundations provides you with the opportunity to reconnect mindfully with your body and its needs through a series of targeted yoga practices. This course offers a series of meditations, guided asanas, relaxations, and refreshing tools to help you feel more grounded, be more present, release tension, and create space for listening to your body and the world. Join Jillian Pransky for Mindful Yoga Foundations—a new premium Mindful course rooted in relaxation and healing.

This course is for you if you want to:

  • Be at ease in the present moment
  • Arrive and find a greater sense of grounding in your yoga practice
  • Release tension using essential tools for true relaxation
  • Give your body some friendly support

By enrolling, you’ll learn how to:

  • Use your breath to release tension
  • Cultivate a sense of groundedness and stability
  • Be more open and present in your life
  • Integrate more mindfulness into your yoga practice
  • Expand your mindfulness practice by adding in simple yoga postures and routines

This self-paced course includes:

  • 20 instructor-led yoga videos on four main topics
    • Module 1 - Grounding
    • Module 2 - Being Present
    • Module 3 - Releasing Tension
    • Module 4 - Creating Space

Sign up today!


Your Instructor

Jillian Pransky
Jillian Pransky

Jillian Pransky is a certified yoga therapist and mindfulness teacher, and the author of Deep Listening: A Healing Practice to Calm Your Body, Clear Your Mind and Open Your Heart. She leads retreats, teacher trainings, and restorative workshops in person, and on Zoom for students all over the world. A student of Pema Chödrön’s work since 1998, Jillian infuses her yoga classes with mindfulness practices, compassion, and ease. Her seamless style of working simultaneously with the body, mind, and spirit, while attuning with nature and the environment, creates inspiring classes and an integrative healing experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

Get started now!