Healthy Mind, Healthy Life

Create mindful habits for happiness and well-being.

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Do Your Habits Help You to Be Happy?

Our habits support our health. Still, we get caught in negative patterns around how we live, how we eat, how we sleep, and more. Mindfulness practice can change our relationship to habits in every aspect of life that have a big impact on our health and well-being. Habits can seem impossible to shift, but with increased awareness, clarity and intention, we can change them.

Healthy Mind, Healthy Life is a six-lesson course with teachings and practices to help you make positive changes in your everyday health and relationships. Led by physician and mindfulness teacher Dr. Mark Bertin, this course provides you with knowledge and tools to make long-lasting shifts towards better health and well-being.

Get started now!

Enroll in Healthy Mind, Healthy Life to Learn How to:

  • Cultivate positive habits around sleeping, eating and exercise
  • Support relationships through more skillful communication
  • Use technology without being used by it
  • Manage stress and build resilience
  • Deepen self-compassion
  • Develop lovingkindness and open your heart to others

This Course Includes:

  • Guided mindfulness practices each session
  • Lessons on how to integrate mindfulness into different areas of your daily life
  • Supporting handouts and additional readings and resources
  • BONUS downloadable audio meditations for sleep
  • Recorded Q&As with Dr. Mark Bertin

Mindfulness practice expands your awareness and resilience so that you can make positive choices around your health in daily life. It becomes an ongoing path towards living life more skillfully—for greater well-being, health, and happiness.


Your Instructor

Dr. Mark Bertin
Dr. Mark Bertin

Dr. Mark Bertin is a developmental pediatrician and author of How Children Thrive: Mindful Parenting for ADHD and The Family ADHD Solution, which integrate mindfulness into the rest of evidence-based pediatric care. He is a contributing author for the book Teaching Mindfulness Skills to Kids and Teens. Dr. Bertin is on faculty at New York Medical College and the Windward Teacher Training Institute, and on the advisory boards for the non-profits Common Sense Media and Reach Out and Read. His blog is available through, Psychology Today, and elsewhere.

Course Curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course is available now. It can be completed at your own pace, and you have lifetime access to the content.
Does Mindful offer other courses?
Yes, Mindful offers a wide array of high-quality, self-paced mindfulness courses, all led by world-class teachers. Go here to learn more about our offerings:

Get started now!